My research service


I research men and women who served with the British Army of the Great War (First World War) period. This also covers individuals who served before 1914 or after 1918, as long as they saw service in between.

This also includes those who served in the Australian, Canadian and New Zealand forces. I do not research those who served in the Indian Army or the South African forces (due to difficult and uncertain access to records).

I do not cover those who served in the naval services, unless they also served in the army at some point or served as part of the Royal Naval Division.

I do not cover those who served with the flying services.

I do not cover any form of service outside the definition given above (so not Second World War service, for example).


The objective is to provide my client with as comprehensive, objective and insightful view of the military service of the man or woman being researched as is possible form sources currently available. This is primarily focused on the military story, but all matters of family interest that emerge from the searches (marriages, births, deaths, etc. related to the subject) will be incorporated.


My approach is described on three pages of this site, starting with Widest and deepest search for information


My three-part approach to fees is described on the home page of this site. Each project has a different final fee depending on findings.

Example final fees

Example 1: a man’s army service record was located, providing good details throughout his service. He was once wounded. Final fee – core fee of £80 plus one event fee of £20, making £100.

Example 2: a man’s army service record could not be located, but his service could be recreated to some extent by reference to medal rolls and other sources. He was once wounded. Final fee – core fee of £80 plus one event fee of £20 less a quality reduction of £30 making £70.

Example 3: a man’s army service record could not be located, and his service could not be recreated to much extent by reference to medal rolls and other sources (this is typical of those serving in the larger corps). He did not appear in a casualty list. Final fee – core fee of £80 less a quality reduction of £40 making £40.

Example 4: this man’s regimental details were not known and he had a relatively common name. His man’s army service record could not be located and he could not be uniquely identified by reference to medal rolls and other sources. No fee billed.


You provide me with some details of yourself, your soldier and any particular thing you wish to find out or achieve by engaging my services.

I assess your request and either acknowledge it as an order, or, if for reasons of capacity or some other factor I do not believe that I am best positioned to undertake it, I will suggest some alternative route you may take.

I will then undertake the work. Timescale for completion varies widely depending on degree of difficulty and availability of information, but is usually between a few days and three weeks.

The format of your report

I will advise you that your work is complete, send the details for your secure access to it, and send you my bill.

Any amendments, correction of minor typing errors, or anything else that either one of us believes would enhance the report can be carried out at your request at any time. I also remain available for advise should you wish to further examine any aspect of the story.